第6章 紧急商讨(2/2)


ffield led a fleet to attack the hird istrict. hat do you think?(你们各有各的道理,这样,阿德勒将军带一支舰队去和第二舰队交战。谢菲德将军带一支舰队去攻打第三区。怎么样?)”阿德勒将军:“gree ith you。(同意。)”谢菲德将军:“o roblem at all。(完全没问题。)”“hen you ill go back to your resective headquarters to discuss the tactical deloyment, and hoe for sess rather than failure。(那你们就回各自的指挥部商讨一下战术部署,我希望的是成功而不是失败。)”

阿德勒指挥部。“ll ersonnel use their brains to think of secific ns, only allo sess, not failure.。urry u, move your brains。gain,e are a grou and ust trust each other.。o, someone tht that a good n must be e u!(所有人员动动脑子,想想具体方案,只许成功,不许失败。快点,动起你们的脑子。重申一遍,我们是一个团体,我们必须互相信任。所以,有人想到好的方案必须拿出来!)”

谢菲德指挥部。“y troos ill never allo defeat! bsolute! o, e have to think of a erfect n! ur oonent is the irst leet, and ust defeat him, they are just a fe ieces of scra iron! gain, absolutely ill not allo failure!(我的部队绝对不允许失败!绝对!所以,我们必须想一个完美的方案!我们的对手,是第一舰队,我们必须打败他,他们就是几块废铁!再说一遍,我绝对不允许失败!)”

